You don’t Need To Have It All figured out to Start a Blog

You don't Need To Have It All figured out to Start a Blog

Today’s topic is – you do not need to have it all figured out to start a blog. Why I’m saying that because I’m saying from my experience, and I started I was not even clear what was a blog. Later on, when I got my blog in my lap, I googled what is the blog exactly? The answer was, a log of chronological posts on your website. So then I came to know, what is a blog. 

You don't Need To Have It All figured out to Start a Blog

If you want to start a blog, you do not have to worry about all the things beforehand except some .All these thoughts are baseless eg. that I should be knowing everything about the blog, I should be, having a perfect name. 

I should be knowing how much time I have to spend on my blog. What will be my writing strategy? What I will write? Sure do not need to worry about all those things. I mean, you have to have a little bit idea that what you like writing and what you would be writing about on your blog but it does not have to be written in stone, that you can’t alter if you want to.

Simple Analogy

Of course, you’ve to figure out few things, but not everything. So I’m going to give you a very pretty and very simple example. Suppose if you are a parent. Excuse me, guys, if somebody is not a parent here, but sooner or later everybody becomes a parent right? 

And suppose you had a little baby right? And then you do not need to have it all figured out when you’re having a baby that what should the baby doing which school she will go to what University she’ll attend? Who she will get married to? All those things come later on. Parents only think about a name and then they have the baby. And as the baby is growing up, all the things get figured out slowly and slowly. 

So the same thing is with your blog, your blog is your baby. Because you created it.  And you are putting your content out slowly and slowly. So slowly and slowly all that things will become clear to you that which type of content you should be creating. Which type of product you should create. And later on down the road, which type of course or any other product you should create. So if you do not need to worry all the things now when you’re starting out. 

So, When you are starting out a blog, you have to have a few ideas, few things in your mind, but you do not need to have it all figured out. 

Plant Analogy

I’m going to give you another one more example. Last year I bought a small plant. It was a Money Plant. I went to a hair salon, and a lady did my hair. One guy came there selling plants. 

And one plant was so tiny and so nice and beautiful. I said okay, I’m going to buy this plant. And I paid him $11 And he gave me this tiny little plant. And I asked him which kind of plant is this? He says it is a money plant. Okay, I bring it home. It was so tiny. I was giving water every day I put good soil and my plant is like so huge and big. And now it is almost going out of my window. 

So the same thing is with your blog. When you start out, it’s gonna be like tiny baby, tiny blog and soon you will have it all big, getting the branches. And more and more audience will get attracted to your blog.  And soon you’ll will start monetizing it. Hence, This is how your blog is going to grow. So you don’t need to have it all figured out before you start a blog.

3 Most Effective Strategies for Starting a Successful Blog

So today guys, I am going to make the video sweet and short but I have one task for you. On Jan 25, 2022 that’s next Tuesday, my free masterclass is coming up – 3 Most Effective Strategies for Starting a Successful Blog. 

And I want you to go and sign up on the link above.

So this webinar is coming up next week on Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022, 11am EST. But you do not have to pay nothing. It’s a free webinar. And I will be showing you exactly the three strategies that are most effective to grow your blog swiftly so that you can start monetizing it and start making money from your blog. And start making money from anywhere because this is laptop lifestyle. The webinar is going to be a 45-60 minutes long. 

And at the end I would have a call to action. This masterclass is totally free but the at the end I have a call to action for you guys. If you want it gold if you don’t want, still good. I have three days. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and you can join whichever date suits you. So sign up now for my free masterclass where I show you exactly 3 most effective strategies for starting a successful blog.

Brand New PDF

I have created a brand new PDF for you guys because I got a nudge to create it. I just created that early in the morning while I was half asleep and I was typing all the things and then I finished typing I see it is 10 pages PDF. And that PDF name is 3 most effective strategies for time management. 

This free pdf is going to show you exactly how you can have more hours in a day so that you are more efficient and more productive. So that is my brand new freebie I created yesterday. 

So that is all for today guys, and let me know how is your day going so far? And where are you guys joining me from? I thank you all! I will see you again, but do not forget to sign up for my masterclass;

3 Most Effective Strategies for Starting a Successful Blog. 

So I will see you guys on the webinar. If you have any question just DM me and I promise I will answer you ASAP. Here is my Instagram handle; @theblogexper. Bye!

You don’t Need To Have It All figured out to Start a Blog 

If you found the above video helpful, please do share with others, who need to see this!

Saravjeet Sandhu


Blogging Coach & Author

P.S. – Do stop by and join my group BEYourOwnBoss to post your first blog post and get feedback from us and meet other entrepreneurs just like you.

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