Hello. How is everyone doing today? So hey guys, how is your day going so far? It’s a wonderful, beautiful, shiny and bright day in New York. And I’m your blogging coach Saravjeet Sandhu. I’m a blogging coach and author. So, today’s topic is how much money you need to start a blog. I’m going to give you some blogging information that you have never gotten before from someone else!

So let’s start. And plus I will be sharing a few funny things. Because right now when I opened my Instagram and it had me cracking and I had a good laugh so I will share what was so funny and I will share at the end. So stick around. So let’s start. How much money you need to start a blog. Not much, only few bucks. So let me break it down for you actually how much money you need. And where do you need.
Let me break it down for you and give gives you a clearer picture. How much money you actually need to start a blog. It’s not much it’s only a few bucks. So number one thing is you need money for your blogging is when you’re starting out is you’re gonna have to register your domain and for registering you have to pay money to the domain registrar. Something like GoDaddy or SiteGround has registration to now. So when I started I started with godaddy.com and I register my domain there. First you have to find your domain and then register your domain.
So now when you register you have to pay some money. So when I registered my domain Saravjeet Sandhu network.com I paid $9.99 cent for the first year.
It is only under 10 bucks for the whole one year. So that is your money for your domain registration. It is going to be under $10 or less.
And And hosting is like a real house for your domain name. There’s you are going to store your things such as your writing and your photos, your comments and your engagement with your viewers. So all those things are come under the hosting. So for hosting that is going to be your real investment for blogging actually, because you have to pay three or $4 per month with most of the hosts. I am with SiteGround so when I started I picked a plan for three years and I paid $149 At that time for three years. thing you need money is for your hosting.
But right now there are different plans but mostly all the plans are from $3 for dollar. So you are going to end up paying almost $48 for one year. Just speak for one year. First you have to decide that you want to blog if you are undecided, double minded and you’re spending money somewhere then it is going to hurt you.
Invest Seriously
First you have to make a decision yes or no. So the decision means you are totally focused. You have cut off all the negative thoughts and doubts you are holding which are holding you back from starting your blog. Once you make a decision, then you go ahead and pay for your hosting hosting is going to be three or $4. So suppose say you’re paying 4 dollar per month so for one year it is going to be $48 so it is under 50 bucks for your hosting. So that is your real investment for your blog.
And next thing you are going to need is auto responder service. So auto responders service wise you’re going to need it because this is how you are going to stay connected with your leads, with your customers with your clients. because this is how they are going to opt in to your freebie or your free information or free product you’re offering. This is how they are going to find you out and give you their emails and in return of your freebie. So this is autoresponder service and now you have to pay a few bucks for your autoresponder service.
There are a lot of autoresponders such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, Aweber, GetResponse, and many more. But when I started my first autoresponder and that was with MailChimp. And when you start out there is a free plan for everybody. You can start with MailChimp as free and or with some other autoresponder right now I am with ConvertKit. But when I started I had MailChimp. MailChimp was totally free and I loved it. I liked it. It was very easy until I had 300 subscribers.
Once I had 300 subscribers, then I changed to a different autoresponder. There I was paying money $19 per month because I had a lot of things which were not included in free plan of MailChimp. So as your as your email list grows, then you can start paying money but once you’re starting out there you just start with a free plan. You do not have to pay nothing. But if you want to already have paid was this a good thing too.
Total Cost
And this is the only investment you have to make
number one for your domain registration
number two for your hosting
and number three for your autoresponder
so the total here comes out to be $60 or less than that. So that is your only investment.
Or, if you are paying for autoresponder already, it is going to be 15 to $19 per month, for most of the autoresponders. And later on as you grow as your email list grows, then you have to pay more, it’s around $29 per month.
So, right now when you’re starting your blog, you only need a few bucks. I told you I broke it down for you around $60 You need that said that’s only for a good meal. You spend that much money for two people right? But this money is going to be a lifetime investment.
And you can start your blog totally free because there are a lot of a lot of plans that are totally free. But I do not recommend free I do not recommend cheap because then you are doing cheap things then you get cheap results because in the back of your mind you had that idea too. So it is free. When something is free, You are not that serious, you are not that you know committed. So I do not recommend free things. Just pay something even a little amount and then go ahead and if you have made a decision start your blog with minimum amount of money.
Blogging Course
And next comes blogging course to save lot of learning curve and time. If you need a step by step direction to start your blog and you want to do it without all the guesswork, then buying a blogging course is a must. But if you do not want that and if you have a lot of free time, then you can google blogging information.
But I do not recommend wasting your time googling things and putting pieces together. That is a lot of waste of time. Instead of wasting your time you can start making money right away, if you start with a proper course. Most of the courses are from around $300 to $999.
HoMaybe you spent $300 or $500 or $999. So that is your own investment for your own learning for your own knowledge. Nobody can take that away from you. So that is only your own investment.
Start Today
So this is how much you need to invest in and you’re starting a blog. It is not a whole lot of savings that you are going to spend on your blog. When you’re starting out. So a lot of people believe that they need a lot of money to start a blog. But that’s not true. Actually one of my friends, she messaged me, Sara, I’m going to start my blog. Once I have my big fat paycheck and my bonus. I said no, you do not need that whole lot of money to start a blog, But may be later down the road if you want to save your precious time and reduce the learning curve then you can spend more money. Right now, You only need a few hundred bucks to start your blog. So you can start today.
The whole point of starting a blog is to make money with your blog. You have to have a lot of focus, and you have to prefer to start making money from your blog within two to three months. When I started, I made my first $5 within the second month of by starting my blog. So this is how I knew that this blogging thing works. And this is how I put all the hard work in for over all these years. And this is how I am making money with blogging. With my blog I have different streams I make money from. And they are not huge big streams but they are medium, & small streams, so it all adds up. So you start making money with your blog with different streams.
Grab My Free Pdf
So right now I am inviting you to get my free PDF make your first 2k blogging, where are going to have a lot of information how to start making money on your blog. Right from the beginning you learn all those things and then you are welcome to message me if you want to start your blog I will help you.
Stay Tuned
And soon I’m going to be launching my course blog to be your own boss for this year 2022 Then I will be offering my course. So right now, this is how much I have to say about it. If you have any question just put in the comment section or message me then I will answer.
And I want to share with you what had me cracking when I started Instagram Live. When I go for a filter, the filter says what is wrong with you. So that looks like someone is ready to start a fight. I have not tried that filter. I’m going to try the filter later and see how that feels and how that looks. But that name of the filter’ what is wrong with you’ gave me a good laugh. So have you tried that instagram reel filter What is wrong with you yet?
So that is all for today and I will be doing another live on the blogging topic. Same day, same time next week Wednesday around 11am to 12pm EST. So do join my next live video and my next topic is really juicy. do so what is my next topic?
My next topic is you don’t need to have it all figured out, to start your blog for example, I don’t know my niche. etc. I will be showing you exactly how you can find your niche with a simple method.
Blogging Decision
And then you can start with your blog and start writing and you are on your path to start making money from your blog. So now let me know who here is really serious about starting their blog. Because if you’re only thinking and not taking any action, then it’s not worth it.. You have to make a decision now.
And making a decision is not easy thing because when you make a decision you go only in one direction. You do not step back and you do not go in different directions. Suppose you want to go from here to Maryland right? And you have put the directions you have to turn your navigation on and you start going to Maryland and once you’re at New Jersey Turnpike, And feel, I do not want to go to Maryland I want to go back. Right? And then you start going back and then you’re not going to reach your destination. So do not do that.
Make a decision now that you’re going to start your blog. You’re going to do this thing. You’re going to stick through thick and thin. Because everything has it’s ups and downs. Nothing is all rosy. And I did not say that blogging is make money and get rich in a day or something like that. It’s not a quick rich scheme or something like that.
You have to put your hard work in. It’s not a grind, but is your own passion. You have to start writing you have to start putting your content out there about whatever you’d like to do. Either it is making videos or cooking or sewing or writing or anything else. Whatever is your hobby and you want to share that with the world. Then you have to do it through the blog.
Worldwide web
Because blog is www that means the world wide web. So that means is your hobby or whatever you want to share. So, through your blog, you’re going to share your content with the whole world. Consequently, if some people like that they can communicate with you. And they can learn from your expertise and they can pay you for your expertise. So this is what www means.
How I started my Group
And I was going to share when I started. I liked making videos. At that time, It was not clear to me what is my niche? Or what I’m going to write about? But only one thing I knew is that I like making videos. So I shared in videos whatever I was learning online social media marketing, and blogging all those things.
So what ever I was learning I shared in the videos in my facebook group, be your own boss, where people were joining me to learn how to make a video or how to do a Facebook Live. Or how to start a blog. These were the questions my audience was asking me. That’s why I started that group. And I started sharing videos in that group and this is how my group grew on Facebook.
So my Facebook groups name is Be your own boss. And you if you want to join you’re very welcome to join. So right now it is very sunny here.
Calendar your tasks
Oh, yesterday I shared that I bought two calendars from Barnes and Nobles and good thing is that they were on sale for half the price. So usually I buy it before the year starts but this time I bought it yesterday and I spent only 15 bucks for two calendars. So you want to see my calendar. The name of the calendar is Secret Garden. And when I was buying the calendar from Barnes and Noble it has sticker over 200 million copies sold so this must be a good calendar. So I bought it and it has nice message and nice gardens. I love the calendar.
So having a calendar and planning your things is must. So for my all my blogging topics I have planned over here on my this calendar which I printed online. You can print calendars free online, and you know start writing your blog. Planning your blog is not hard thing.
Ease n Flow Mantra
So right now I creating the video and I’m going to, with the help of rev.com or otter app, convert this video into the blog post and share it on my blog. So it is not a hard, blogging is easy thing. If you are committed, you will find a way. Find a way to do all the things easily. Not with hustle and grind. I used to believe in hustle and grind before but now I don’t believe it because I did not came here to hustle and grind. I came here to help others, with ease and flow and have good time by doing whatever I love.
So, that’s all for today. Have a wonderful day!
How Much Money you Need to Start a BLOG
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Saravjeet Sandhu
Blogging Coach & Author