What do I need to start a YouTube channel

What do I need to start a YouTube channel

What do I need to start a YouTube channel

“What do I need to start a YouTube channel” So This is a course I created for the YouTube beginners, You can watch this course and create your own channel and upload your first video in a day. Before I go further let me tell you why you need to a YouTube channel.

Why Youtube Channel

Having a YouTube channel allows you to upload your own videos. And you can share these videos on other social media platforms or your blog, for your marketing.

As video marketing is the best method of marketing, if you are an online entrepreneur. And on YouTube you can listen to music and play video games too, even though I’ve never done the latter.

But if you are a beginner, I’m not going to talk much about marketing. I’m just going to talk about how you can start your YouTube channel. And before I explain about the course I’m going to explain why video is more important than text.

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I’m going to show you 5 ways about why video is more important than the text. Your brain can also process visuals much quicker than it can text. About 90% of the total information transmitted to your brain is visual. Over 73% of marketers claim that video brings more conversions than any other content.

Number one – Video grabs people’s attention. So these days everybody is scrolling on their phone or over on their laptop on Facebook. And when you see a video, you are more likely to click and watch the video than read a text paragraph of text. If there is ad with a video versus a simple text ad, people are more likely to click the video ad. So video gets attention faster than the text.

Number two.  Video engages viewers. For example if there is a simple text versus there is a video, so which one you’re going to choose? You’re going to obviously like to watch the video. This is what I do when I am online. I like to prefer to watch more videos than a text and partly that is because of my eyesight.

But that is not the exact reason people like to watch a video but because video is more personal.  And you can know the person better by their talks, gestures and emotions. And then you  know who is behind this website or behind this text who talking.  So when you see person’s face, you have more personalized experience with the person.

Number three is video brings more traffic to your website, if you’re an entrepreneur just like me. Results have shown that video increases traffic on any website way more than simply text.

Number four is videos are more memorable and lead to brand recall.

I’ll give you an example of my experience, when I shop online. The other day I was shopping for curtains on JCPenney so I wanted to know which kind of curtains they are.  Instead of reading all the ad text, I just preferred to click and watch the video.

And video explained easily about the material and which kind of curtains they were. So video gave me all the information I was looking for.  So Now even though it’s been more than a year, that I purchased my curtains but I still remember what was that video about and that was kind of information it gave me. Video stays in our memory for a longer period.

And number five, last but not the least, is video help increase the buying intent.

And when somebody watches your video It helps them more to go for buying intent. Because when, you are watching a video then you know that this is the person.  Okay if I need help I can contact this person. And you know the face of the company or product. Also, 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it.

“What do I need to start a YouTube channel” course

So, right now I’m going to talk about “What do I need to start a YouTube channel” course I created. And it has five modules. Each module has two lessons. All the ‘how to’ info is inside the course. And after watching those five modules you will be able to start your YouTube channel the same day and you can upload your video the same day.

Cell phone cameras are good enough for beginners

And you do not have to pay for the fancy things and products to start your YouTube channel.

If you’re thinking oh I’m going to buy a fancy camera and then I will start making the YouTube channel.

Do not overthink

Or if you’re thinking that I’ll buy my new phone then I will make videos and then I start creating my channel.  You do not have to think like that at all. Start with us whatever you have.

Because these days all cell phone cameras are very good. And you can make video with them and upload them right away. I was using my cell phone all the time for making my videos my iPhone. Right now I’m using a ‘Logitech c320’ camera.

I have started using this for a couple of months. I was using my cell phone all the time for making videos. They are pretty good.  But right now I’m using this Logitech camera and I bought on Amazon for around $200, or something like that I don’t remember the exact price.

Lighting tips

When I started making videos with my own voice in 2016, and my quality was so so. But now I’ve learned to make better videos.  Because now I know more about the lighting. And I know more about the camera. And right now I am sitting here in natural light. Natural light if possible is the best source, probably near a window. I have no extra lighting except my office light.

And I do not have a Diva Ring, but people are using Diva Ring light or studio lights to get more lighting and better brightness to the video. So hopefully I’ll be buying that soon but right now I’m just using natural lighting.


And I’m using the camera speaker and not any other special speakers.  But later on you can start using other better speakers. But start wherever you are with whatever you have.

What do I need to start a YouTube channel Share on X

Monetizing your Youtube channel

My first online check ever was from Youtube and at that time I was making videos about Abraham Hicks teachings. You can still find them on my channel in the playlist- Abraham Hicks

You need to have 1000 subscriber and 4000 hours of video watch time on your channel before you can monetize your videos but that’s is not hard if you’re dedicated to your channel and love making good videos. And you need to sign up for google Adsense account so that you can get paid through it.

So now you are good to go and can start your YouTube channel.  And I’m going to tell you right now if you are starting your YouTube channel with my course then I’m offering a free review of your channel for the time being. And I don’t know when this offer is going to disappear. So take advantage of this by connecting with me on Instagram and dm youtube course and I’ll send you the link.

Have a great day everyone! Let me know if you’ve any question about this topic, I’ll be glad to answer.

If you liked the video above and got any value from it, please share the video and feel free to comment on this post.

PS. Want to start your blog, but have no clue where to start from? Download my ebook “Starting A Successful Blog: Share your Passion And Turn It Into A Business” now!

PPS. Want to hop on a call with me and chat then, 

Click Here and you’re all set.

Saravjeet Sandhu


Best Selling Author & Entrepreneur

9 thoughts on “What do I need to start a YouTube channel”

  1. Saravjeet Sandhu

    Exactly and making video is not hard at all if you’re using smart phone, the camera is perfect for any type of video. And for me, I love making videos!

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