How To Make $100 Per Day In Affiliate Sales
Hey! Saravjeet Sandhu here from Saravjeet Sandhu, and I’m an entrepreneur blogger teacher, wife and mom. I teach people how to start their blog. And I’ve a course on How to start your YouTube channel. So right now I am going to show you how to make $100 per day in affiliate sales, easily.
There are many ways to make money online, such as blogging, your site ads, physical products, books, courses, your services eg. consulting or coaching, other side gigs and affiliate sales etc.
So right now I’m going to talk about how to make $100 per day in affiliate sales or more than that.
What’s is Affiliate Marketing
First let me tell you what is affiliate marketing or affiliate sales.
When you are using some products or services or software and you like them, and you want to promote them.
So you join an affiliate and create your affiliate link for that product, and people buy through your link, then you are making affiliate sales. And that is called affiliate marketing. And I am actually affiliate for few companies right now.
One Funnel Away Challenge
Last month I joined One funnel Away Challenge by Russel Brunson. This is the challenge to build a funnel for your business to get more leads and clients, basically, to scale your business up.
If you have a product or service, I recommend this challenge. It’s is a very good, excellent challenge. And I started that challenge in late August. And that is a 30 day challenge, for $100.
You can join the challenge for 30 days, and you’re going to build a funnel for your business. And plus, you can make if you affiliate sales with that too, because you can join as an affiliate. And if you like the challenge, and then you can promote as an affiliate.
I Finished this Challenge in September
Lot of learning with Russel Brunson, Julie Stoian and Steven Larsen with video and daily tasks to complete so that builds upon itself each day so that you can build your funnel ultimately.
This is what I did because that challenge scaled my business up, tremendous growth for me and plus I liked the challenge very much. So I’m promoting this challenge. And plus i build my own funnels. I’m still tweaking my funnels and got few sales already.
And one of my friends wanted to join me because she saw me doing this challenge and getting the results and talking about it. Almost bragging about it, because I liked it very much.
So when you like something very much and you talk proudly that is almost bragging. So I was talking about that, because I liked it very much. It helped me a lot in my story and I started my podcast.
So, my point is, I’m promoting this challenge. So this is how I got $100 right away while building my own funnel for my business.
Actually my challenge got paid for itself within 15 days. So my challenge is basically free because one of my friends joined it.
Below is the screen shot of my earning for my own products and affiliate sales. This golden bar is my affiliate sales!

Join The Next Challenge For Yourself Here
You can join this One Funnel Away Challenge Here.
And if you like it, then you can promote it, and you can have affiliate sales. And you can make hundred dollars per day with that easily if you’re promoting it consistently.
If you have any questions or you want to know anything more about the challenge, just comment in the comment section, and I’ll make time to answer all the questions and everything.
Free 14 Day Trial of ClickFunnels
If you want to try and see what ClickFunnels is all about or you want to get the taste of your first business funnel, then you can join free 14 day trial at the below link;
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Here to get my latest video with current tips, techniques and best hacks for growing your online business.
How To Make $100 Per Day In Affiliate Sales
Friends, If you got any value from the video above, feel free to comment and share this post.
Saravjeet Sandhu
PS. Want to connect with entrepreneurs just like you, then Join my Facebook Group ‘BeYourOwnBoss’ Here!
PPS: For complete blogging tips and info get my step-by-step guide ‘Starting A Successful Blog: Share Your Passion And Turn It Into A Business’ Here!
How To Make $100 Per Day In Affiliate Sales • Saravjeet Sandhu it is very useful, I also shared it on my facebook.
You’re welcome Yuri. Thank you for sharing.