Today I’m going to give out an important tip on “How to feel not overwhelmed and be more productive in your DMO” for your online business even on a day like Monday!
Somedays we wake up with a list of tasks to do but at the end of the the when we look back nothing really got accomplished. Because we had a list of tasks to do and did not put one at the top which was most important to do.
Write down all the tasks you have on top of your head and then sort out and start with the one that’s most important for the day and focus on that one only until it gets accomplished. When we are not clear which one to start with we just waste our time out of confusion on scrolling any social media for fulfillment in the place of real work done.
And soon you will see, that you finished your first task and moving on to another and then another without even realizing how many hours have past. and yes here is my update from tomorrow, on how many tasks I finished yesterday (on Monday). Yes I did finish answering my messages, checked and accepted some Friend requests, did set up my Vlog and adding one member on my team and went wardrobe shopping later in the day but didn’t find anything good, so no addition.
So it was quite a productive day, yes by focusing first on only one task; answering my messages. Yes I was talking about Branding Youniversity, a twitter training that helps you brand yourself and get leads and sales for your online business on twitter. For more information you can contact me.
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How to feel not overwhelmed and be productive in your DMO
PS. Feel free to comment and share the post if you got any value from the video above.
Saravjeet Sandhu