Today, I am going to give you three tips on ‘How to create surge in your home business’.
These three tips on how to create a surge for your home business, are for people who either are launching their business, or want to launch their business or they want to relaunch their online business.When you are new, then you are supposed to launch your business. Why I am saying, “relaunch,” sometimes when you are in a business for a while, for three months, six months, and you are not feeling that much momentum then you are supposed to relaunch your business to see all that surge, to see all that momentum and to see all that has you want.
So, when you are new, you are supposed to launch your business. Leaders always launch their business, but sometimes when you are new, you do not know a thing. Then, you know, you aren’t even talking about it, forget about launching.
Best thing is, launch your business, so if you have not done it, then go and relaunch it.
So, first tip is to tell, why you decided that you want to have a home business.
when you are launching your business, you are going to do it a Facebook live. In that Facebook live, you are going to tell your people, your audience, your friends that why you started your home business.
You are supposed to tell why you have started your home business, why you decided that you want to have a home business.
Announce to your audience why you wanted to start a home business. Maybe you were looking for time freedom, or maybe you were sick of your job crappy job. Or maybe you always had the idea in your mind that you want to have a home business. So you go ahead and tell your people why you started the home business. You have to give your reason why you started it.
For me, when I started home business, I was fed up of doing different jobs, and finding a one that a really liked. Number two, I was fed up of the traffic. I did not like to commute at all, plus I wanted to be my own boss. That’s is why I stared my home business and have learned a lot with many rockstars leaders in the home business industry and especially these two superstar leaders, Erin Birch and Jen Johnson in live workshops in 2017.
I would love to know why you started your home business, share in comment section.
Number two, tip is, you have to define how it has changed your life.
How it has benefited you when you started your home business, how was your life. Now after, you know, starting your home business, maybe after a month, after three months or six months or a year, how is your life now. So you have to share your before and after. How it has changed your life.
Maybe, number one, it gave you time freedom. Or maybe, number two, it gave you financial freedom. Or maybe, number three, it gives you more confidence. You are more self-confident. Maybe it gave you lot of skills. So you have to share what is different with you now, and when you started, how you were and now, how you are.
So, I’m going to give tip number three.
In your Facebook live video, always have a call to action, your CTA.
Always, give a call to action when you are doing a video. Either you are doing a live video or either you are doing a YouTube video. Or either you are doing a video for the blog. Always, always give a call to action at the end of your video, so that people know what to do.
When you are doing a video, you are providing your value. So then people have gotten your value, they’ll supposed to know the next step, what to do. If you don’t, people are not clear what to do next, so always give your CTA, your call to action, what to do next.
Continue reading ‘How to create a surge in your home business.’
In your CTA, what are you going to say?
“Message me.”
Do not use any link. You are not going to have any sales page there. Don’t talk about selling anything. Only thing you are going to say is, “Message me.
Message me, and if your interested what I am doing to have all this success, I would like to share with you.
If you’re interested, message me and then we will chat. Then you go in your Messenger, then from your Messenger, you build the rapport, build a relationship. You tell your story and then you show your presentation.
So those are my three tips for how to launch or how to relaunch your business and create a surge in your business.
Subsequently now you are getting leads. And abundance of leads, can lead to sales.
So this is how you launch or relaunch your business. Right now, for my live , my call to action is, if you have not downloaded your free copy of my 11 Best Topics For Your First Blog Post pdf , then do it now HERE
How to create a surge in your home business
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Friends, If you got any value from the video above, feel free to comment and share the post.
Saravjeet Sandhu
PS. Want to connect with entrepreneurs just like you, then, Join my Facebook Group ‘BeYourOwnBoss’ Here!
PPS: For complete blogging tips and info get my step-by-step guide ‘Starting A Successful Blog: Share Your Passion And Turn It Into A Business’ Here!